Figure 3A showed the different microcirculation

Figure 3A showed the different microcirculation GF120918 patterns in glioma sections with H&E staining. Typical EVs were made of endothelial cells and basement membrane (Figure3A -a). Some PGCCs generating

erythrocytes formed the wall of MVs (Figure 3A -b) and VM (Figure 3A -c). To further confirm the structure of different microcirculation patterns in gliomas, the sections were double-stained with endothelial cell-specific marker CD31 and PAS (basement membrane is positive for PAS staining). VM was identified by the presence of red blood cells in vessels lined by tumor cells, not by endothelial cells. As shown in Figure 3B, the wall of EVs was both positive for CD31 and PAS staining (Figure 3B-a). A single cell was positive for CD31 staining and the other cells were negative for MVs wall (Figure 3B-b). The wall of VM was negative for CD31 and PAS staining (Figure 3B-c). The average of VM counting in low grade and high grade gliomas was 0.7 ± 0.675 and 4.1 ± 0.994, respectively. There were more VM in high grade gliomas than that in low grade gliomas and the differences was statistically significant (Table 1). The click here wall of MVs was lined by both tumor and endothelial cells and there were more MVs in high grade gliomas than that in low grade gliomas (t = 4.789, P = 0.000; Table 1). Figure 3 Different blood supply patterns in human glioma tissues and C6 glioma cell xenografts. A. Different blood

supply patterns including EVs, MVs and VM in human gliomas. a) EVs in high grade gliomas (Black arrows point) (H&E × 200).

b) Tumor cells (Large black arrow learn more points) and endothelial cells (Small black arrow points) formed the structure of MV with red blood cells in it (H&E, ×400). c) VM in human high grade gliomas. Tumor cells formed the wall of VM (Black arrow points) with red blood cells in it (H&E, ×200). B. Double staining with CD31 IHC staining and PAS histochemical staining confirmed the wall structures of EVs, MVs and VM in human high grade gliomas. a) EVs were these positive both for CD31 and PAS staining (Black arrows point) (×200). b) Tumor cells (CD31 negative staining, large black arrow points) and endothelial cells (CD31 positive staining, small black arrow points) formed the MV (×200). c) The wall of VM (black arrow points) was negative for CD31 staining and positive for PAS staining (×200). C. MVs, VM and PGCCs in human glioma cancer cell line C6 xenograft of chicken embryonating eggs. a) The gross imagine of the embryonating egg xenograft model (Black arrow point the tumor mass). b and c) VM in C6 xenografts with nucleated red blood cells in it (Black arrows point) (HE,×200). d) Tumor cells (Black arrow points) and endothelial cells (Blue arrow points) formed the structure of MVs with nucleated red blood cells in it (H&E, ×200). e and f) Presence of PGCCs in the embryonating eggs xenografts (Black arrows point) (H&E, ×200).

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