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The integron includes a site-specific recombination system that integrates and expresses genes present on mobile elements called gene cassettes [1]. The integron platform is defined by three characteristics: an integrase gene (intI) whose product encodes a site-specific integrase, IntI, an attachment site (attI) at which point DNA sequences are inserted and a promoter (Pc) which expresses genes within the gene cassettes inserted at attI [2]. Gene cassettes can be inserted into the integron as individual units but multiple events can lead to large tandem arrays. Integrons are best known for their role in the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in clinical environments [3]. These clinical integrons harbour 1-6 gene cassettes and are often associated with mobile elements such as resistance plasmids and transposons [3]. However, integrons are diverse genetic elements found in approximately 10% of environmental bacteria [2]. In these bacteria, integrons are found in chromosomal locations and rarely carry antibiotic resistance gene cassettes indicating a general role in evolution. Vibrio is a genus of highly adaptable bacteria found in diverse marine-associated niches [4].