In particular, the two phase more info images taken both at f = 0.019Hz, which refer the one on the right top side to the surface encircled by rectangle A and the other one on the right bottom side to the surface encircled by rectangle B, supply relevant details. More specifically, the variation of colour (variation of phase angle) indicates variation of material compaction with presence of detachments in the encircled zones. Figure 8(a) shows a picture of a frescoed wall of the oecus room of Villa Imperiale in Pompeii, while Figures 8(b)�C8(d) show phase images taken at decreasing frequency of the surface inscribed inside the rectangle in Figure 8(a). It is possible to see a crack network which is present on the surface (Figure 8(b)) and propagates underneath in the support (Figure 8(d)).
The lighter colour in Figure 8(c) indicates a general degradation of the support underneath the frescoes; such a degradation is more important on the left corner as the lighter colour intensity shows (Figure 8(d)). From a comparison between the three images, it is also possible to gain information about the junction between the central panel and the left wall. In particular, the phase image in Figure 8(c), which was taken at the heating frequency of 0.005Hz (depth p about 1.2cm), shows, in agreement with GPR data [13], a consolidation structure across the junction of the left wall part to the central panel. 4. ConclusionsSome of the results obtained while applying infrared thermography to the inspection of architectonic structures and works of art have been illustrated with also a brief introduction to the basic procedures.
As main findings, the applied techniques allow for the detection of hidden structures, as well as for the identification of areas damaged by in-depth ingression of moisture and/or by disaggregation of the constituent materials. The attention herein has been mainly devoted to the conservation conditions of masonry structures, while an infrared camera can be advantageously exploited also for the control of microclimatic conditions.Indeed, infrared thermography, as a remote imaging device, represents a powerful tool to be used for quick periodic inspection of both civil habitations and historic buildings to discover defects in buildings envelope, to monitor reinforcing steel in concrete, to detect moisture inside building walls, to check indoor microclimate, and so forth. All this information is useful to deal with conservation measures and to improve microclimatic conditions for the comfort of human beings and for the safeguard of the works of art. Conflict of InterestsThe author declares no conflict of interests.
Failure of chemotherapy resulting GSK-3 from a multidrug resistance (MDR) remains the major obstacle during cancer treatment.