In this method the actual priority is determined by using flow charts which utilizes ‘discriminators’ at each level of priority. Discriminators are factors (general or specific) that discriminate between patients to be allocated to one of the five clinical priorities. There are six general discriminators for triage: life threat, haemorrhage, pain, conscious level, temperature and acuteness. These have to be practiced
at each level of priority and it is essential for the triage officer to understand the triage method. For example: Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Pain can be severe pain, moderate pain and recent pain. Specific discriminators are applicable to individual presentations or to small groups of presentations, which tend to relate to key features of particular conditions. For example: cardiac pain or pleuritic pain. Thus, the specific criteria of triage are based on clinical urgency. Though terminology of categorization differs slightly between the various guidelines, their practical meaning Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is more or less the same. Triage is a brief encounter between triage officer and patient, which takes two to four minutes [34]. Subsequently, the patient is labeled with a colored tag. Depending on this tag, the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical patients are sent to specified areas where they will be consulted by the physicians. While undergoing treatment, the patient
may improve or this website worsen and so may need to be re-triaged and shifted to appropriate area for further Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical treatment. Thus, triage is a continuous process in which clinical characteristics need to be checked regularly to ensure that the priority remains correct. The Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS) consist of separate guidelines for adult [30] and child [31] patients. In The Manchester Triage Score [17], the level of consciousness in adult and children is considered
separately. A guideline, entitled SALT (sort, assess, life-saving interventions, treatment and/or transport) triage, was developed in 2008; which incorporates aspects from all of the existing triage systems (see Figure Figure2)2) to create a single overarching guide for unifying Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the mass casualty triage process across the United States [35]. START triage utilises the use of colours green, yellow, red and black to categorise the patients not (see Figure Figure3).3). More importantly, separate guidelines have been developed for potential pandemics like influenza [22,23] and special situations like the use of weapons of mass destruction and bioterrorism [36]. During sudden emergence of ’2009 H1N1 influenza’, web-based self-triage named Strategy for Off-Site Rapid Triage (SORT) was disseminated by H1N1 Response Centre to reduce a potential surge of health system utilization without denying needed care [37]. Figure 2 SALT triage scheme. LSI = Life Saving Interventions. Figure 3 START Triage algorithm for adult patient. Adapted from http://www.start-triage.