We evaluated the position of E. coli chromosomal loci across the width of cells from statistical analysis of 2-D images. We observed the distributions of loci tagged with fluorescent proteins and compared them to simulated distributions from different cell width positioning models. Using this method, we detected different positioning patterns for different loci across
the cell width. Loci in the ori region and Right MD appeared to position randomly across the nucleoid width. A locus in the NS-right region was preferentially located close to the cell centre, whereas a ter -borne loci localised at the nucleoid periphery. To validate these selleck chemicals llc observations, we demonstrated that our method reliably detects the migration of individual loci, as part of the global migration of the nucleoid towards the cell periphery induced by production
of the bacteriophage T4 Ndd protein. Results Positioning of chromosome loci in living cells To label chromosomal loci such https://www.selleckchem.com/products/mk-5108-vx-689.html that their position could be determined, we used insertions of the parS site from the bacteriophage P1 and production of the YFP-Δ30ParB fusion protein (Methods) [19, 20]). The parS site was first inserted at four different loci located at 3909 kb (ori), 316 kb (right, inside the right MD), 738 kb (NS-right) and 1568 kb (ter) on the E. coli chromosome map (Figure 1A). The resulting strains showed equivalent growth rates and normal cell shape whether or not they produced the YFP-Δ30ParB protein (doubling times in synthetic medium of 45 min. at 42°C and 70 min at 30°C). Figure 1 Positioning of chromosome loci in living cells. Dynein (A) A scheme of the E. coli chromosome with relevant features indicated. The replication origin (ori) and the two inner replication terminators (TerA and TerC) defining the zone of replication termination are shown. The grey buy BTSA1 arrows indicate the sense of replication. The loci used for insertion of the parS site are shown in red. Coordinates are in kb. (B) Micrographs of cells harbouring the
YFP-ParB foci at the ori locus. From top left to bottom right: phase contrast; membrane staining (FM 4-64); DNA staining (DAPI); YFP-ParB foci; overlay phase/DNA/YFP-ParB; overlay membrane/DNA/ParB. (C) Linescan analysis of fluorescence signals along cell length (L, top panel) and cell diameter (W, middle panel). Linescans of fluorescence intensities (Y-axis, in Gray Level units) for the cell membrane (red); DNA (blue) and YFP-ParB (green) are shown along the two cell axes (X-axis in μm). Red arrowheads indicate the cell boundaries and green arrowheads show the positions of YFP-ParB foci. The bottom panel shows micrographs of the cell scanned in the panels above with the two linescans used (from left to right: phase contrast; YFP-ParB; DNA; membrane; overlay YFP-ParB/DNA/membrane). Scale bars are 2 μm.