Surprisingly, past work has shown that neuroprosthetic skills rel

Surprisingly, past work has shown that neuroprosthetic skills rely on similar neural substrates as natural motor learning (Green and Kalaska, 2011) and therefore have similar computational

requirements for rapid and flexible information transfer. Importantly, BMI tasks offer the unique advantage that researchers can define which neuronal ensembles are directly relevant for behavioral output, therefore allowing for an investigation of functional specificity within local populations. Recent theories have proposed that alterations in the pattern of large-scale synchronous activity could serve as the substrate for the flexible neuronal associations necessary to coordinate network activity for performance of both natural and neuroprosthetic behaviors click here (Womelsdorf et al., 2007 and Canolty et al., 2010). Oscillatory local field potential (LFP) activity reflects rhythmic current flow across cell membranes in local ensembles and is hypothesized to alter the excitability of cell groups across different spatiotemporal selleck chemicals llc scales (Buzsáki and Draguhn, 2004, Lakatos et al., 2005 and Fröhlich and McCormick, 2010). Therefore, precise temporal control in neural networks could enhance the efficiency of information transfer in specific populations (Wang et al., 2010 and Tiesinga et al., 2001). It could also serve as a mechanism for synaptic gain control (Zeitler et al., 2008) and influence spike-timing-dependent

plasticity (Huerta and Lisman, 1993 and Harris et al., 2003), as spikes arriving at

excitability peaks will have enhanced efficacy relative to poorly timed spikes. Temporally coordinated activity in ensembles of neurons has been implicated in processes as diverse as perception (Rodriguez et al., 1999), expectation (von Stein et al., 2000), decision making (Pesaran et al., 2008), coordination (Dean et al., 2012), memory (Pesaran et al., 2002 and Siegel et al., 2009), spatial cognition (Colgin et al., 2009), reward processing (van der Meer and Redish, 2011), and attentional shifting (Bollimunta et al., 2011, Lakatos et al., 2008 and Fries et al., 2008). In some cases, this synchrony manifests as spiking in one region, becoming highly coordinated with LFP activity in a separate region (Pesaran et al., 2008). Importantly, many tasks evoke changes in the temporal pattern science of spiking without concomitant changes in firing rate, suggesting that synchrony could serve as an additional information channel in neural circuits (Riehle et al., 1997). Alterations in synchrony and LFP dynamics have also been implicated in pathological states such as epilepsy (Bragin et al., 2010) and Parkinson’s disease (Costa et al., 2006), highlighting their importance for normal brain functioning. Despite increasing evidence that changes in synchronous LFP activity are related to changes in behavior during learning (DeCoteau et al.

The downward movement of the head domain can be followed by the a

The downward movement of the head domain can be followed by the approach of H120 to H213. Nagaya et al. (2005) showed Birinapant solubility dmso that these residues contributed to an intersubunit zinc binding site and that, when H120 and H213 are both replaced by cysteine, a new intersubunit disulfide can form which inhibits channel opening. The intimate approximation of the head domain (chain A) with the dorsal fin (chain B) appears to be in itself sufficient to lead to channel opening in a suitably mutated “reporter” receptor (Jiang et al., 2012). The movements

of the left flipper (chain A) and dorsal fin (chain B) exert tension on the β sheeted wall of the lower body of the same subunit, causing it to flex outward by a slight separation of its constituent β sheets and

increasing its circumference by a progressively greater amount as it passes down toward the outer surface of the membrane (Roberts et al., 2012). Here, at the outer end of TM2 the “diameter” increases from 18 to 32 Å (Figure 3C). This widening of the lower body causes the transmembrane helices MK-2206 in vitro to separate at their outer ends, and expands the pore like a three-leafed iris (Figure 3F). The foregoing interpretation and description gives a compelling account of how a P2X receptor can bind ATP and transform from a closed to an open state. Yet there are caveats and limitations. The first is that the determination of a single open structure does not preclude the existence of other stable forms, and obviously it does not address the movements that occur in the most flexible parts of the protein. Studies using normal mode analysis and molecular dynamic simulations (Du et al., 2012; Florfenicol Jiang et al., 2012) are likely to be most informative in providing insight into conformational dynamics. Additionally, the zebrafish P2X4 receptor used for crystallography lacked intracellular N and C termini, which will likely have an effect on channel properties. Likewise, the membrane proximal regions of these N- and

C-terminal domains contain conserved motifs in which minor substitutions can impair receptor function (North, 2002). There is also evidence that these membrane proximal intracellular regions are involved in desensitization (Werner et al., 1996), and the molecular rearrangements underlying desensitization remain unclear. Further, P2X receptors have three ATP binding sites (Bean et al., 1990), and the present structures provide little insight into the molecular basis of the observed cooperativity (Ding and Sachs, 1999; North, 2002). Finally, the stationary snapshots and nanosecond simulations leave us with much to learn about the kinetics of receptor activation and how these proteins may be better suited to respond to longer-lasting diffusing signals than to the short, sharp pulses of a fast transmitter. There has been considerable activity in the drug development world focused on P2X receptors, and this has been well reviewed (Coddou et al.

Moreover, consistent with our biochemical data, the increase in d

Moreover, consistent with our biochemical data, the increase in dendritic BDNF expression induced by AMPAR blockade was due to de novo synthesis, given that it was prevented by the translation inhibitors anisomycin and emetine (Figures 6F and 6G). Interestingly, blocking background spiking activity with TTX did not prevent the ability of AMPAR blockade to enhance dendritic BDNF expression in HSP inhibitor a protein synthesis-dependent manner (Figure 6H), suggesting that blockade of AP-independent miniature events are sufficient to drive changes in BDNF synthesis. Hence, although the downstream consequences

of BDNF synthesis are gated by coincident activity in presynaptic terminals, the synthesis of BDNF appears more tightly linked

with excitatory synaptic drive and the postsynaptic impact of miniature synaptic transmission. Previous studies have documented the importance of local dendritic protein synthesis in forms of homeostatic plasticity induced, in whole or part, by targeting postsynaptic receptors with antagonists (Ju et al., 2004, Sutton et al., 2006 and Aoto et al., 2008). Thus, the increase in dendritic BDNF expression could be due to localized dendritic synthesis or alternatively, due to somatic synthesis and subsequent transport selleck chemicals into dendrites. It is well established that BDNF mRNA is localized to dendrites (Tongiorgi et al., 1997 and An et al., 2008) and that miniature synaptic events regulate dendritic translation

efficiency (Sutton et al., 2004), supporting the possibility that AMPAR blockade induces local BDNF synthesis not in dendrites. To examine this possibility, we assessed the effects of locally blocking protein synthesis in dendrites by using restricted microperfusion of emetine during global AMPAR blockade. When locally administered 15 min prior to and throughout bath CNQX treatment (40 μM; 60 min), emetine produced a selective decrease in dendritic BDNF expression in the presence of coincident bath CNQX application (Figure 7). Again, these local changes in BDNF expression were specific, given that local administration of emetine had no effect on MAP2 expression in the same neurons, nor did local emetine have any effect on BDNF expression without coincident CNQX treatment (Figure 7D). These results thus indicate that the selective increase in dendritic BDNF expression induced by AMPAR blockade reflects localized dendritic BDNF synthesis. Taken together, our results suggest that AMPAR blockade induces local BDNF synthesis in dendrites which, in turn, selectively drives state-dependent compensatory increases in release probability from active presynaptic terminals. We have shown that different facets of synaptic activity play unique roles in shaping the manner by which neurons homeostatically adjust pre- and postsynaptic function to compensate for acute loss of activity.


immature blood vessels leak fluid below or within t


immature blood vessels leak fluid below or within the retina. It is convenient to dichotomize the pathology of “wet” and “dry” forms of the disease based on the presence or absence, respectively, of CNV. However, as an understanding BAY 73-4506 molecular weight of AMD pathogenesis improves, emerging evidence indicates that significant overlap exists in the underlying mechanisms of these seemingly disparate clinical conditions. In spite of this apparent overlapping pathophysiology, the two forms of AMD are indeed somewhat clinically distinct: that is, effective treatment of wet AMD does not typically ameliorate the dry AMD component. Clearly, further clarification of the overlapping and unique processes that lead to wet and dry pathology will be essential for future advances in the prevention and treatment of AMD. ZD1839 research buy For a review of

structural features in the healthy retina versus the AMD-afflicted retina, the reader is referred to excellent reviews elsewhere (Bird, 2010 and Rattner and Nathans, 2006). The features of a healthy ocular fundus is shown in Figure 1A. Relative to the surrounding peripheral retina, the macular region has a high density of photoreceptors. As such, the macula subserves central vision and acuity that enables resolution of fine details, such as edges or borders. The retina consists of multiple cell layers that form an interdependent anatomical and metabolic network. Other notable features of the retina include: the selectively permeable blood-retinal barrier (Cunha-Vaz, 2004), the greatest oxygen consumption per weight of any organ in the body (Warburg, 1928), and immune privilege (Streilein, 2003). Geographic Atrophy. A representative eye with GA is shown in Figure 1B. AMD primarily affects the macular region of the retina, with relative sparing of the surrounding peripheral retina. AMD Thiamine-diphosphate kinase is defined by confluent regions of drusen, which are multicomponent, heterogeneous aggregates that lie both external and internal to the RPE cells ( Klein et al.,

2008 and Zweifel et al., 2010). The emergence and “growth” of drusen occurs slowly over years or decades. RPE cell death and synaptic dysfunction accompany underlying drusen ( Johnson et al., 2005), although the cause-effect relationship of drusen and retinal degeneration (which may be reciprocal) is not fully understood. Choroidal Neovascularization. A representative eye with CNV is shown in Figure 1C. CNV also primarily affects the macula. If left untreated, it can lead to severe blindness with scarring within several months. Assessment of CNV is typically made using fluorescein angiography or optical coherence tomography to measure characteristic lesions with leakage of blood or plasma proteins from immature choroidal blood vessels. This review is focused on the mechanistic underpinnings of AMD.

Therefore, we next considered BDNF, which exhibits a highly speci

Therefore, we next considered BDNF, which exhibits a highly specific ophthalmic and maxillary epidermal expression pattern, with no detectable levels in the mandibular region of the face (Arumäe et al., 1993 and O’Connor and Tessier-Lavigne, 1999). Application of BDNF to severed axons caused a 1.7-fold increase in axonal SMAD levels in 30 min (Figures 7A and 7B). This increase was blocked by coapplication of anisomycin, indicating

that axonal SMAD induction by BDNF is local synthesis dependent (Figures 7A and 7B). As a control, Tau1 and TrkB receptor levels were not affected by these treatments (Figures S7A–S7C). These data indicate that neurotrophins, especially BDNF, induce SMAD expression in axons via local protein synthesis. Our data indicate that retrograde induction of nuclear pSMAD1/5/8 and Tbx3 requires target-derived BDNF-dependent intra-axonal synthesis of SMADs. Previous studies Regorafenib in vivo mTOR inhibitor suggested that BMP4 was the primary regulator of pSMAD1/5/8 induction (Hodge et al., 2007). However, these experiments utilized bath application of BMP4, which results in activation of BMP4 receptors primarily on cell bodies. Because cell bodies express SMAD1/5/8 even in the absence of neurotrophins (Figure 3B), these studies do not address signaling in axons, which express

SMAD1/5/8 only in the presence of neurotrophins. To test the idea that both BMP4 and neurotrophins are required for retrograde signaling, we cultured E13.5 trigeminal ganglia neurons in microfluidic chambers, and after 2 days switched the media to neurotrophin-free media for 4 hr. Under these modified culture conditions, axonal application of BMP4 for 1 hr failed to elicit retrograde induction of nuclear pSMAD1/5/8 (Figure 7C). Similarly, axonal application of BDNF for 1 hr was unable to induce nuclear pSMAD1/5/8. However, coapplication of BDNF and BMP4 resulted in retrograde induction of nuclear pSMAD1/5/8 (Figure 7C). In each of these treatments, total cell body SMAD1/5/8 levels were not significantly affected (Figure S7D). These data indicate

that BMP4 is not sufficient for retrograde signaling, but requires collaboration with neurotrophins. To Fossariinae determine whether the induction of pSMAD1/5/8 and Tbx3 by axonally applied BDNF also requires a retrogradely trafficked TrkB signaling endosome, we used the Trk inhibitor K252a (Tapley et al., 1992). Application of K252a to axons of E13.5 trigeminal ganglia neurons in microfluidic chambers blocked the ability of axonally applied BDNF and BMP4 to induce Tbx3, without affecting retrograde transport of BMP4 signaling endosomes (Figures 7D and S7E). These data indicate that the effects of BDNF in mediating retrograde BMP4 signaling reflect local, intra-axonal actions of BDNF and do not require the activity of Trk receptors in the cell body. Together, these data indicate that BDNF and BMP4 receptors have roles in distinct compartments within the neuron to mediate retrograde signaling.

, 2011 and Ziv et al , 2013) Such CMOS-based miniature microscop

, 2011 and Ziv et al., 2013). Such CMOS-based miniature microscopes can now provide recordings of up to ∼1,200 neurons concurrently during active mouse behavior (Figure 1). This promises to be a useful tool in the study of rodent models of human brain disorders, INCB024360 molecular weight and perhaps even in primate models. We expect continued

progress in camera technology and image sensor chips, leading to larger sensors, faster image-frame acquisition rates, on-chip imaging analyses, wireless imaging, and even capabilities for three-dimensional imaging. Further improvements in tiny light emitting diodes (LEDs) in combination with CMOS image sensors should enable a new generation of devices capable of both optogenetic manipulation and fluorescence imaging concurrently. This need will provide additional impetus for the ongoing engineering of spectrally compatible sets of

optogenetic control probes and fluorescence-based sensors of neural activity. Even as next-generation optical tools offer increasingly sophisticated technological capabilities, the practice of systems neuroscience will have to remain grounded in rigorous, clever, and insightful behavioral paradigms. Here, digital imaging may help advance the field, as many emerging opportunities exist for high-throughput and high-resolution video tracking SCR7 clinical trial of animal behavior. To maximally leverage the newfound capabilities for optically monitoring individual cells over many weeks in the live brain,

new behavioral assays should be compatible with long-term tracking and quantification of behavior. Machine-learning approaches to scoring digital image sequences of animal behavior (Kabra et al., 2013) might facilitate the combined automation of both brain imaging and behavioral data analyses. Finally, we note that for in vivo animal Parvulin experimentation, the demands of small animal surgery often remain a limiting factor on the rate of experimental progress. In recent years there has been exploration of laser surgical methods to perform highly precise surgeries. One candidate approach involves the use of regenerative laser amplifiers that emit high-energy ultrashort pulses of light for highly precise tissue ablation (down to the submicron scale, to cut or ablate individual axons, neurons, and even organelles) (Jeong et al., 2012 and Samara et al., 2010). However, the fine spatial scale of the cutting action is a limiting factor for performing dissections over broad tissue regions. An alternative approach is to make use of ultraviolet lasers, such as those commonly used in clinical ophthalmology for reshaping the cornea (Sinha et al., 2013). Ultraviolet excimer lasers can cut precision holes down to the sub-10-μm scale, with clean-cut edges straight to <1 μm, and at much faster cutting rates than the regenerative laser amplifiers.

Applying the same preprocessing procedure resulted in 156 CNV reg

Applying the same preprocessing procedure resulted in 156 CNV regions with 419 genes associated with rare inherited events in autistic children. Using the data described above, Selleck Ruxolitinib we identified statistically significant gene clusters affected by de novo CNV events associated with autistic individuals. Significant clusters detected using either one-gene-per-CNV (p value = 0.02) or the two-genes-per-CNV (p value = 0.02) clustering are shown in Figure 2. If genes forming the high scoring clusters were masked, no other significant clusters were detected in the data. In contrast, no statistically significant clusters were obtained using ultrarare inherited CNVs from affected individuals (the

best cluster p value = 0.6) The absence of a significant cluster in the ultrarare inherited data set, which had a comparable number of genes to the de novo events, suggests that the inherited CNVs contain a significantly smaller fraction of casual genes, i.e., genes associated with autistic phenotype. This conclusion is also supported by the observation by Levy et al. (2011) that there is less bias in transmission of ultrarare find more inherited events. In other words, autistic children were almost as likely as their unaffected siblings to inherit an ultrarare event. This is in sharp contrast to the de novo events, which were nearly four times more frequent in the autistic children

(7.9% in autistic children versus 2.0% in unaffected siblings). The contribution of each gene to the cluster score, i.e., its functional connection to other cluster genes, is not uniform. To capture each gene’s contribution to the cluster score we performed Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulations, sampling clusters based on their scores. The size

of each gene (node) in Figure 2 not is proportional to the each gene’s membership in high-scoring clusters during the sampling simulations (see Experimental Procedures, Supplemental Experimental Procedures). Similar node sizes were also obtained based on the average connection strength from each gene to the other genes in the cluster (Pearson’s r = 0.8, p value = 4∗10−11). Interestingly, we found that genes affected by de novo CNVs observed in females are significantly more important for the overall cluster score than genes affected by CNVs in males, i.e., female genes have stronger average connections with other genes from the identified network (see Figure S2; one-tail Mann-Whitney test, female > male, p value = 0.013). This observation is illuminating because one of the striking phenotypic characteristics of autism is the male-to-female incidence ratio of more than 5:1 for high-functioning ASD (Newschaffer et al., 2007). It has been previously suggested (Zhao et al., 2007) that stronger genetic perturbations are required, on average, to trigger an autistic phenotype in females than males due to currently unknown compensatory mechanisms.

Stressed BALB mice showed significantly longer latency periods to

Stressed BALB mice showed significantly longer latency periods to feeding (Figure S2F), with no significant differences in weight p38 MAP Kinase pathway loss induced by food deprivation (Figure S2G) or feeding activities (Figure S2H). Furthermore, the increased latency to feed induced by CUMS was reversed with continuous IMI treatment (Figure S2F). Anxiety behavior was also examined using the elevated zero

maze test. The amount of time spent in the open section and frequency of rearing were not affected by CUMS (data not shown). Social interaction time also provides an index of anxiety and depression-like behavior. More anxious and depressed rodents spend less time in social interactions (File and Seth, 2003 and Berton et al., 2006). PFT�� research buy Stressed BALB mice spent significantly less time engaged in social interactions and had fewer interactions than the nonstressed controls. This effect was also reversed with continuous IMI treatment (Figures S2I and S2J).

Taken together, these results indicate an increase in depression- and anxiety-related behaviors in stressed BALB mice. In contrast with the BALB mice, B6 mice subjected to CUMS did not show any behavioral changes in the sucrose preference test (Figures S3A and S3B) or forced swim test (Figures S3C and S3D), but they did demonstrate a reduced latency to feed in the novelty-suppressed feeding test (Figure S3E) and increased interaction times in the social interaction test

(Figure S3G), suggesting a decrease in anxiety-related behaviors in stressed B6 mice. In addition to behavioral characterization, we also examined the plasma corticosterone (CORT) levels of mice to investigate how CUMS influences neuroendocrine function. We found increased plasma CORT levels 60 min after the initiation of a stressor in both BALB and B6 mice on day 3 of the CUMS session (Figures S4A and S4B). In contrast, on day 38 of the CUMS session, B6 mice showed a reduction in plasma CORT levels 60 min below after the initiation of the stressor (Figure S4B). This effect was not observed in BALB mice (Figure S4A). Thus, BALB mice responded to CUMS with an increase in depression-like phenotypes, whereas the B6 mice responded to the same stress conditions with a decrease in anxiety-related behaviors. These behavioral and neuroendocrine data indicate that BALB and B6 mice develop “passive” and “active” responses to stress, suggesting that these strains of mice are susceptible and adaptive strains to CUMS, respectively. Neurotrophic factors play important roles in the regulation of synaptic and structural plasticity in the brain and may be involved in depression (Nestler et al., 2002 and Duman and Monteggia, 2006).

, 2001 and Millar et al , 2000) Additional

linkage studi

, 2001 and Millar et al., 2000). Additional

linkage studies with DISC1 mutations further support its role in influencing risk for psychosis and autistic spectrum disorders ( Chubb et al., 2008). Functional studies in animal models suggest that DISC1 plays a multifaceted role in both embryonic and postnatal neurogenesis in vivo. Exogenous manipulation of DISC1 results in a spectrum of neuronal abnormalities, depending on the timing and anatomical locus of perturbation. During embryonic cortical development, knockdown of DISC1 in E13 embryos accelerates cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation ( Mao et al., 2009), whereas knockdown at E14.5 leads to inhibition of neuronal see more migration and disorganized dendritic arbors ( Kamiya et al., 2005). During adult Ivacaftor price hippocampal

neurogenesis, suppression of DISC1 also leads to decreased proliferation of neural progenitors ( Mao et al., 2009) and an array of neurodevelopmental defects in newborn dentate granule cells, including soma hypertrophy, mispositioning, impaired axonal targeting, and accelerated dendritic growth and synaptogenesis ( Duan et al., 2007, Faulkner et al., 2008 and Kim et al., 2009). The signaling mechanisms by which DISC1 regulates neurogenesis in vivo have just begun to be explored. For example, DISC1 regulates proliferation of neural progenitors through interaction with GSK3β (Mao et al., 2009), whereas it regulates development of newborn dentate granule cells through direct interaction with KIAA1212/Girdin in the hippocampus (Enomoto et al., 2009 and Kim et al., 2009). NDEL1 (nuclear distribution gene E-like homolog 1) also directly interacts

with DISC1 (Morris et al., 2003 and Ozeki et al., 2003). Knockdown of NDEL1 in newborn neurons in the adult hippocampus leads to primary Unoprostone defects in neuronal positioning and appearance of ectopic dendrites, representing some, but not all, of phenotypes observed with DISC1 suppression (Duan et al., 2007). This result suggests the existence of additional mechanisms by which DISC1 regulates other aspects of neuronal development. Indeed, early biochemical and yeast two-hybrid screens have identified a large number of DISC1 binding partners, many of which are known to be involved in neurodevelopmental processes (Camargo et al., 2007). While these studies established DISC1 as a scaffold protein, the functional role of the majority of these potential interactions in neuronal development remains to be demonstrated in vivo. Understanding mechanisms by which DISC1 differentially regulates distinct neurodevelopmental processes through its binding partners may reveal how dysfunction of DISC1 contributes to a wide spectrum of psychiatric and mental disorders.

To test whether these cells are actively producing Shh and might

To test whether these cells are actively producing Shh and might contact the subventricular zone, we pursued two strategies. click here First, we injected

Ad:CreStopLight (Ad:CSL) virus in the ventral SVZ of Shh-Cre animals. This virus contains a CMV promoter driving the expression of the gene encoding red fluorescent protein (and a STOP sequence) flanked by loxP sequences, followed by the gene encoding green fluorescent protein ( Yang and Hughes, 2001). After injecting Ad:CSL in the ventral region of the SVZ, we observed many RFP-positive cells at the injection site ( Figure S4F). We also observed a subset of GFP-positive cells located near the ventral SVZ in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, similar to the labeled cells identified in ShhCreER; R26YFP animals ( Figures S4G and S4H). We did not observe GFP-labeled cells after an equivalent injection

in the dorsal SVZ ( Figures S4I and S4J). These ventral cells were therefore actively producing Cre recombinase under the control of the Shh promoter. Previous studies in rodent brain Alectinib solubility dmso have suggested that Shh may be transported anterogradely along axons and secreted distally at axon terminals (Traiffort et al., 2001). To determine if more distant Shh-producing cells might also contact the SVZ, we used the retrograde tracer Fluorogold (hydroxystilbamidine). After treating P90 ShhCreER; R26YFP animals with tamoxifen, we waited two days to allow accumulation of YFP label in the absence of injury and injected Fluorogold into the lateral ventricle. At 2 days after tracer injection, we found significant Fluorogold labeling around the ventricles and in the bed nuclei of the stria terminalis, as well as many labeled cells in the medial septum

and preoptic nuclei. A small number of Fluorogold-labeled cells in the septum also expressed YFP ( Figures 3K–3M), STK38 suggesting that Shh produced in the septum could also reach the SVZ by transport along axonal extensions. We did not observe more distant Fluorogold-labeled cells in the midbrain or hindbrain. Finally, we performed immunohistochemical staining for Shh protein (rabbit mAb 95.9, kind gift from Genentech). We found that Shh protein was present in the septum in cell bodies associated with NeuN-positive nuclei and at low levels in the associated neuropil (Figure 3P). In the ventral SVZ, we also found Shh protein in the neuropil and in association with the apical and basal surfaces of SVZ cells (Figures 3O, 3R, and 4C). Infrequent, punctate staining for Shh protein was also observed in the dorsal SVZ (Figure 3Q), suggesting that a low level of ligand may be present in this region despite the absence of Shh-producing cells or their processes. Although Shh ligand production and pathway activity both occur in the ventral forebrain, this did not necessarily indicate a requirement for this signaling in the generation of particular olfactory interneurons.