For the inhibitor treatment of unresectable, metastatic, or recurrent GIST and for the treatment of residual lesions after first-line surgical therapy is indicated Imatinib Me-sylate, a signal transduction inhibitor, a new class of anticancer agents targeting tumor-specific molecular abnormalities (10). Imatinib inhibits the growth of GISTs and extends the survival of patients, but complete surgical resection is the only curative treatment of GISTs (11). However, even for patients whose tumour was completely removed with clear margins there is still a high probability of local recurrence (12). Tumor recurrence has been shown to be dominated primarily by factors of mitotic index, size, and tumor location (gastric location associated with more favorable outcomes) (13).
Case report A 63 year old female patient was admitted to our Department of General and Thoracic Surgery, ��S. Anna�� University Hospital in Ferrara, Italy for epigastric discomfort, dyspepsia and bilious vomiting. Physical examination showed no abnormalities. Blood biochemistry was normal. The ultrasounds (US) showed an oval and heterogeneously mass of 13��9 cm, in the left hypochondrium. The endoscopy found hiatal hernia, chronic gastritis and esophagitis (grade B LA). CT scan revealed an extraluminal inhomogeneous oval mass of 13��10��10 cm with some calcifications, occupying the left upper abdomen, probably originating from the wall of the gastric fundus with exophytic development. There weren��t signs of malignancy, such as liver metastases, peritoneal dissemination and ascites.
Intravenous contrast agents allowed clearer contrast between tumors and the surrounding tissues and organs. The patient also underwent us-guided needle biopsy, which allowed a preoperative cytological evaluation, i.e.: spindle cell tumor with <1��10 mitosis HPF, no necrosis and no cytological atypia. Immunohistochemical staining was positive for CD117, CD34 and Actin but negative for S-100 and Desmin. The patient underwent gastric resection with wide negative margins (R0) by a completely laparoscopic approach. During laparoscopic exploration, an extramural pedunculated mass was located in the gastric fundus. Laparoscopic wedge resection of the gastric lesion was performed with endoGIA linear stapler (EndoGIA 60 staple, three green cartridges) and a gastric fibrosis band attached to the spleen was resected.
There was no tumor rupture during surgery. The tumor specimen was extracted using an endocatch bag, through minilaparotomy service according to Pfannenstiel. The operation time was 180 min. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was GSK-3 discharged 5 days later. The GIST was pathologically confirmed. The extramural mass (19��11��9 cm) was confirmed as a stromal tumor with a high level of mitotic activity (7 mitoses per 50 HPF, H&E stain).